Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm a volunteer with a local theater group, doing various behind-the-scene jobs. It gets a bit stressful at times - there is a lot of drama in drama, I've discovered.

Rehearsals are held near the big post office. Recently I've started walking though the lobby of the post office, on the way to and from the studio.

I don't wait in a long line for a window or machine, I don't search for proper forms to fill out, I don't deal with any postal clerks. I just walk through the lobby that spans an entire block and that's it.


  1. That post office is so gorgeous that I'd want to stroll through it just to soak up the postal goodness! Zowie!

  2. Missive Maven, it is indeed a good place to walk through. I sure do wish the museum room was open...I peek in the room, but it looks pretty desolate. Too bad! I would skip rehearsals if that room were open. :)


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