Sunday, March 28, 2010


Have I mentioned my love for illuminated manuscripts? Oh, I love illuminated manuscripts. Imagine how wonderful it would be to own books illustrated so lavishly.

A couple of years ago my kids were studying the Middle Ages and we visited the collection of medieval art at various museums in the city. One small museum had an exhibit by a modern-day artist who works using the same techniques as a medieval illuminator. I asked if I could bring a group of kids to see the work, and the artist offered to host a workshop for the group. The kids learned how to make their own pigment from natural items and they practiced using a straw to blow small pieces of gold to their illuminated page. It was one of those magical and fun days that last and last because it lingers in memory.

I'm mailing this postcard to a woman in Germany who likes castles.


  1. Wow, what a wonderful postcard. I really would love it.

    I love such days like you describe...I would love to be at such a workshop as well.

  2. Thanks, Fabi. The workshop was great, and many of the adults in the room couldn't keep their hands off the project. Why should the kids have all the fun?


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